Financial Advice for Newcastle Teachers


You work hard to put others on the right path…

“preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world”

… Now it’s time to plan for your tomorrow….

Invest like you teach!

You understand the topics you teach.

We understand retirement planning, superannuation, investing & financial planning.

Let us teach you how to plan & invest for your tomorrow.


Your career is dedicated to educating & empowering others… so is ours!

We all know special teachers who spend their personal time & money helping prepare their students for the future.

This has been taken to the next level in recent times with the affect of COVID-19, with many teachers preparing in class lessons, online classes & take home work for their students (on top of running their normal classes & workload).

While it’s often said that no one becomes a teacher to get rich, there’s no reason why teachers should not be able to retire on their terms with dignity, after years of service to the families in their communities.

We care about teachers & principals

Newcastle Advisors is a leading Newcastle financial planning firm, that works with all educational professionals on a fee for service basis.

We specialise in personalised client relationships by partnering with clients on their terms.

We have nothing to sell, only our advice, experience & knowledge… just like you!

Because we are educators too!

Newcastle Advisors was founded on the philosophy that we should teach others how to meet their goals & not try to sell them products.

Our Partner, Matthew McCabe, comes from a family of teachers, with his father educating for over 30 years & his sister still currently teaching.

In addition, Matthew has a history of educating for over 15 years, where he has mentored & taught young financial planners coming through the industry, in addition to hundreds of clients from all walks of life.

Academic Backing

Our investment approach is based upon the research of today’s top academics & it doesn’t require a crystal ball or trust in a complex investment product.

Contacting Newcastle Advisors

The team at Newcastle Advisors are here to support you in planning your tomorrow!

If you would like further information & guidance, please contact us on

02 4963 1863 or book online.

Matthew McCabe