Does Money Bring Happiness?

Does money bring happiness?

There is nothing wrong with money.

However, there is often a heavy negative connotation towards money. We associate money with greed, arrogance, ego, status, identity, self worth, and material things. 

Your view or approach to money often reveals how safe & secure you are & your personal money beliefs.

People with negative connotations towards money often grew up without money. 

As a financial advisor I am a student of money and have been for many years. I have taken particular interest in people’s mindsets, beliefs & past experiences, to observe how this is correlated with their current financial position. 

We learn about life from our parents & this includes money. Studies show from the age of 3 we start to grasp the basic concepts of money, with most money beliefs & habits set by age 7. 

With this in mind, it is interesting looking back at past generations & analysing how their beliefs have been passed onto future generations. 

My grandparents lived through the great depression & world war. These experiences formed their beliefs around scarcity & not having enough, which were passed down to my parents, who applied their filters and experiences on these beliefs, who then passed them on to me. 

Often these scarcity beliefs can be summarised in a few phrases;

Money doesn’t grow on trees.

Money is the root of all evil.

We can’t afford that. 

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Did you grow up hearing any of these phrases?  Consider how your past experiences with money are influencing you today?  If you continue your current relationship with money what does your future look like? 

Consider what you really want in life?  Money can buy that for you. 

So for me personally, it would be building my business so I can help & support more people, where I can inspire change in many more lives. 

If you are a parent & all you ever wanted to be was a mum or dad. Money can buy you time with your kids. Money can buy a family trip to Disneyland. 

Or maybe you like to give back. If you are financially free, you could focus on your charitable works. How many lives could you impact if you built a medical centre in Africa? 

Money allows you to do these things. 

Many people only associate money with negative or scarcity thoughts. You need to change your view, take those and come from a positive or abundance mentality.

Abundance being a mindset of; plenty, a lot of, unlimited. Which promotes behaviour of; giving, unlimited, selfless, sharing, positive. 

Money does not automatically give you happiness. Instead, money gives you access to many things that can lead to happiness.

Ultimately, whatever you believe you will experience.