When Should You Get A Financial Advisor?

When Should You Get A Financial Advisor?

The timing of when to seek financial advice is crucial. But how do you know when it’s the right time? Here’s when you should consider getting a financial advisor.

1. Starting a Family
Starting a family is one of the most significant life changes you'll experience. It's a time when your financial responsibilities increase, and getting advice from a financial planner can help you secure your family's future.

2. Career Changes or Promotions
If you've recently changed jobs or received a promotion, your financial situation might have changed as well. A financial advisor can help you adjust your financial plan to align with your new circumstances.

3. Approaching Retirement
As you approach retirement, ensuring that your savings and investments will support your desired lifestyle is essential. A financial advisor can guide you in maximizing your retirement income and ensuring your assets are protected.

4. Inheritance or Windfall
Receiving a large sum of money, whether through inheritance or a windfall, requires careful planning. A financial advisor can help you invest and manage these funds to ensure they contribute to your long-term financial stability.

5. Major Purchases
Whether it's buying a home in Newcastle or a holiday property near Lake Macquarie, a financial advisor can help you plan these major purchases, ensuring they fit into your overall financial strategy without jeopardizing your future.

If you’re considering any of these life events, contact Newcastle Advisors to schedule a consultation. Our expert team is here to guide you through every stage of your financial journey.

Matthew McCabe