The best metaphor for what a Financial Advisor does I've ever heard...

I was on a call with someone last week, who mentioned they were 100% committed to hiring a financial planning advisor.

Naturally, I wanted to know why: “Why are you so committed working with an advisor to guide your financial plan?”

His answer blew me away.

It was the single best encapsulation of the role a financial advisor can play in your life I’d ever heard.

And it came from someone I had never met before, three minutes into our very first call.

As I said on our call… I am absolutely taking this idea and spreading it far and wide….

“Having a financial advisor co-ordinate your financial roadmap is kind of like having a pilot flying your plane.”

He explained “ In my view, having a financial planning advisor is similar to the experience of having a pilot fly the plane.

You need a pilot when you are taking off and when you are getting ready to land.

In between those two points, there are going to be large stretches of time when the plane is on cruise control and the technology does all the work as you glide through the air.

But when the plane hits turbulence or is stuck in a storm, you are sitting up there praying that you have a great pilot to navigate you through.

That’s kind of how I see the role of a financial planning advisor in my life. I need help putting together a financial plan, because I’ve never done so in any real or meaningful way.

After that, I probably won’t need to speak with you every single week, once everything is put in motion… and that’s fine.

But I know that when I change jobs, have my next child, buy a home or investment property… well, I know how important it will be to have the right partner next to me.”

Who is guiding you on your “financial journey”?

Complete your details below and one of our Newcastle & Lake Macquarie Financial Planning Advisors will be in contact…

Matthew McCabe