Are you the CFO of your house?

Are you the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of your household?

It is common for couples who have been together for many years to assign roles & responsibilities for the management of the household & one of those roles is the management of the family’s finances.

Although this is not always true, our experience is that most families appoint one spouse to act as a CFO of the household, while the other spouse is less involved (or in some cases, not involved at all).

The role of household CFO is to ensure their household is building wealth in order to ultimately achieve financial independence. The household CFO will oversee the households budgeting & financial plan. The decisions the CFO makes impact the families financial future.

Financial management can be a particularly tricky topic for couples to discuss, but it is worthwhile to work together to achieve the future you want.

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Talk to your spouse about how you can get more involved in your finances & work with your Newcastle Advisors to put a plan in place that makes the most sense for your financial situation & that will give you confidence & relieve stress related to your wealth.