Australia's Top Super Fund for 2020

Our Newcastle Financial Planners disagree with various research houses & news outlets seeking clicks & headlines.

Informing people that one particular super fund is superior to others is misleading. Especially with so many just reading the headlines & seeing their super funds name up in lights, believing that their retirement is then secure.

There are so many assumptions that are taken into consideration when conducting their analysis and without transparency of this information it is difficult to determine where you should be holding your super for your specific circumstances.

In addition, like other “Money Guides” that recommend or provide financial advice on super funds, this information does not provide Australians with any education or additional information to make an informed decision as to where they should be holding one of their most valuable asset.

When it comes to looking at a variety of different superannuation funds, our Newcastle financial advisers believe that the cheapest is not always the best.

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At Newcastle Advisors our Newcastle financial advisers have 4 key requirements when it comes to selecting a quality superannuation fund;

  1. Wide range of different investments

    Not just managed funds & definitely not those pre-populated options, where you get typically 5 investment options such as - high growth, growth, balanced, conservative, & cash!

    That is simply not good enough.

    We look for super funds with a wide range of different managed funds from different fund managers. We don’t want to be forced to go with one particular fund manager.

    In addition, we want to have access to a wide range of direct equities, a wide range of index based funds & ETFs.

    Even if there is not a need for these investments today, as your super fund grows your appreciate for risk changes with your financial & retirement goals. Having a wide variety & range of investments provides you with choice & freedom to construct your portfolio to meet your needs (without having to change super funds & potentially pay capital gains tax).

  2. Access to quality insurance

    When researching super funds, we want to ensure that through your super you can take out personal insurance, including Life cover, TPD cover & income protection cover.

    In addition, we don’t just want any type of income protection cover, we want to ensure it cover you to at least age 65.

    There are other little nuances that we focus on when advising our clients, including have TPD Own occupation, having bells & whistles of an income protection policy attached to your insurance within your super fund.

    However, in saying that, there is now an ability to obtain the most appropriate super fund & also obtain the most appropriate insurance policy for your particular circumstances. As these days you do not need to have the insurance that your super fund offers (there are ways around this).

  3. Ability to transfer between super & pension accounts (inspecie transfer)

    This is critically important & in our experience, can be most costly.

    If your super fund does not have this facility or option, our Newcastle financial advisers would not even consider it.

    Inspecie transfer service helps you avoid capital gains tax when you go to retire.

    When you move your superannuation from accumulation phase (where you are receiving contributions) to pension phase (where you draw an income from your super in retirement).

    It helps you avoid crystallising capital gains which can potentially save you a huge amount of money in the long run.

  4. Cost effective

    Once the super fund has ticked the first 3 requirements, then our Newcastle financial planners consider how cost effective the super account is.

    Ideally your super funds costs should not be more than 0.90% per annum.

    If you are paying more it may be time to review your super fund.

    When it comes to looking at the “cheap” superannuation funds, don’t forget to “compare the pair” & look at all the fees.

    Our Newcastle financial advisors recommend you do not just stop at the admin or member fees when completing your research, have a look at the investment management (MERs) fees, as some of the “cheap” funds are collecting a large proportion of their fees through “management fees”.

Therefore, when you review your superannuation accounts,


ensure your super fund meets these four requirements, if they don’t, began your research to find a super fund that does & ensure it meets your needs - just like you would when buying a car.

Alternatively, if this sounds like too much, contact our Newcastle Financial Planners who can support you & do all the heavy lifting for you.

For the record, according to Chant West (a superannuation research company), in May 2020 SunSuper has surpassed all other super funds in the country to be named Chant West Super Fund of the Year.

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Superannuation, super fund, SMSF, Self Managed Superannuation Fund, DIY Super, Leading Super Fund, Super Fund of the year, Australia’s top super fund, Pension Fund of the Year, Best Fund, Industry Super Fund, Retail Super Fund, CBUS, MINE Super, UniSuper, CareSuper, CBUS Super, Australian Super, AMP Super, HOST PLUS super, REST Super, NGS Super, Colnial First State Super, MTAA Super Fund, Australian Catholic Super, BT Super Fund, SunSuper, Hostplus, LUCRF Super, Legal Super, MLC MasterKey Super, OnePath Super, Australian Ethical Super, AustSafe Super, Bendigo Bank Super, BHP Billiton Super, BUSSQ Super, Child Care Super, ClearView Super, Emergency Services Super, Energy Industries Super Scheme, Energy Super, Equip Super, Equity Trustees Super, Fiducian Super, First State Super, First Super, Government Employees Super, Grow Super, HESTA Super, ING Super, IOOF Super, Kinetic Super, Kogan Super, LESF Super, LGIA Super, Local Government Super, Meat Industry Employees Super, Media Super, Mercer Super, Military Super, Mine Super, MyLife MySuper, NESS Super, Netwealth Super, QSuper, Russell Investments super, StatePlus Super, Spaceship Super, Squirrel Super, Suncorp Super, Telstra Super, TWU Super, Virgin Money Super, Vision Super, WA Super, Zurich Super.

Matthew McCabe